
Gratitude for Do More Foundation

A BIG thank you to the Do More Foundation

Do More Foundation sponsor monthly feed for SARDA Durban. We are so incredibly grateful for your generosity and the relief it brings our organisation during these challenging times. We thank you from everyone at SARDA Durban. Spirit says thank you from all the horses.

We wish you …

Newsletter August 2020

Click on the below link and have a look at our exciting newsletter.

SARDA Newsletter August issue 1-2

A Special Thank you

This is a belated post to thank Slade Equestrian for the beautiful halters for our volunteers to use when they come to walk, work and hand graze the ponies. Thank you too, to Unicorn Tack for the additional bling halters for when a volunteer or pony need a little extra sparkle in their lives! …


We would like to extend a warm welcome to Astrid Bothma as our new Secretary.

Thank you Astrid for taking on this role, we look forward to having you as part of our special team.





Thank you

SARDA would like to thank ALL our sponsors who have been able to donate and support us during this challenging time. As we solely rely on donations to run our organisation we truly extend our gratitude.

We wish you health and harmony.

Why I am involved with SARDA – Shirley Thurbon

I retired a few years ago after lecturing mathematics at a local university for many years. Although I absolutely loved teaching I have found life as a retiree to be full and satisfying. I can now set my own daily routine and do everything for sheer joy and not because my job/ boss requires …

Wave from us

A wave from us to all of you!
Please invite your friends to Like our SARDA Durban facebook page, so more people will know what we do!
South African Riding for the Disabled.

SARDA Durban
NPO 002-823
PBO 930 035 853

SARDA Durban Bank Account Details:
NEDBANK – Hillcrest
Branch Code 133826
Account No. 1338 0995 82
Current account